Title: ST024 This Young SlutCast: Alexia Vosse & Keiran Lee
About video: Alexia Vosse has a body like you won't believe. With more curves than a speedway, her bangin' booty and big bouncy boobs were custom-built for fucking, and you won't believe how good her pussy looks when it's wrapped around a big thick cock. Check it out as Alexia strokes Keiran's dick until it's hard as a rock, sucks it dry, and then rides it all the way to some incredible, leg-shaking orgasms! And just when you thought she couldn't get any hotter, watch her stare into the camera as Keiran plasters her pretty face with a big gooey load!
Keys: stockings, pantyhose
Video size: 545Mb
Video duration: 27min. 31sec.
Video resolution: 854x480
Video extension: wmv
ST024 This Young Slut Part 1
ST024 This Young Slut Part 2